Bonial.com Group continuing expansion course to Norway
16/09/2015Norway as another strategic market for the Bonial.com Group • Bonial.no brings digital retail circular for Norwegian…
Bonial.com Group expands to Denmark
02/09/2015Denmark as a next strategic market for the Bonial.com Group • Bonial.dk brings retail circular to life…
Bonial.com Group expands to Sweden
18/08/2015Bonial.se brings retail circular to life for Swedish consumers with location-based mobile app and website, addressing shift in media…
Axel Springer and kaufDA founders will fund mobile shopping platform Retale with additional $12 million
04/05/2015Axel Springer and kaufDA founders will fund mobile shopping platform Retale with additional $12 million CHICAGO/BERLIN (May 04, 2015)...
Bonial.com Group Acquires Majority Share in Spanish Location-based Advertising Service
29/04/2015International group now holds a share of 64 percent in the Spanish market leader for mobile, location-based advertising /…
Retale (kaufDA) – Extensive Coverage in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, TechCrunch, Forbes and AdWeek…
12/03/2015What an incredible coverage week for Retale.com (the U.S. version of Germany’s kaufDA) !
US-Expansion: kaufDA-Ableger Retale übertrifft 3 Millionen Nutzer im ersten Jahr; erfolgreichster Launch der Bonial.com-Gruppe
12/11/2014US-Expansion: kaufDA-Ableger Retale übertrifft 3 Millionen Nutzer im ersten Jahr; erfolgreichster Launch der Bonial.com-Gruppe 130 führende US-Einzelhandelsmarken als Partner...
VentureBeat: STUDY shows “Second life for flyers”
16/10/2014VentureBeat with Retale’s study: Second life for flyers – 77% of consumers want paper circulars to go digital…
Ausbau des US-Geschäfts: kaufDA-Schwester Retale erweitert Management-Team
26/08/2014Ex-AOL-Manager wird Executive Vice President of Sales • CNN-Medienexperte leitet Corporate Communications
Bonial CEO Christian Gaiser in U.S. LBS experts’ site Street Fight Mag
22/05/2014kaufDA/Bonial-CEO Christian Gaiser’s article on “Local Mobile Search” at U.S. LBS experts’ site Street Fight Mag…
Market Entries
Christian Gaiser > Market Entries